Process Improvement

Process improvement is a general way of saying our financials don't look as good as they could or should. In some cases, our review of financials can highlight an area of focus or identify things that make your operation different from others. It could be a function of costs and revenue, or it could be an issue hiding within the operating process itself.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) are critical to optimizing an operation. We can help identify which ones are important to your operation, how to benchmark them, and how to improve them.
Sometimes, process just don't work like you want them to. It can be case of a change in material, change in goals, or application issues. Occasionally it is a chute that won't stop plugging, or a belt that won't track. Maybe its a QA/QC inconsistency. We have assisted many operations in the evolution from what once was to what it can be.

Financial Improvement

Our experience in managing Fortune 500 mine sites allows us to review financial performance of an operation and gain insight into where the opportunities might be and how to go get them.  If your P&L is NOT what you think it could be, let us close the gap!

How Our Process Works

Step 1

Let’s discuss your operation 

What is your material?  What are you currently doing?  What do you expect?  Where are you struggling?  What are your goals?

Step 2

Let’s get some details

Site visit, possibly.  Financial review, maybe.  Discussion with your site management team, likely.  The level of detailed information required is dependent on the goals you have and what you are experiencing.  

Step 3

Time to explore!

This phase is the dirty work.  We will go through the information available, crawl around the operation, watch the wheels turn.  Whatever it takes to identify the opportunities we are seeking.

Step 4

Plan we must

Once we have uncovered the best opportunities, we will clean up our information and present what those opportunities are, what the gain could be, and what the cost of change may be.  Then we can discuss what should happen next.

Step 5

Implement to improve

Implementation is the final piece, and the most important.  Implementation can be done by the site team, or we can help.  We will cover all the options.  Implementation is the final keystone in the arc of improvement.  Without it, the rest will fall away.

Set the bar

In an industry that has been around since the stone ages, evolution in inevitable.  Not only do we want to help you catch up to the leaders, we want to see you become the standard others look to.  Reach out today and let’s get started!

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