Greenfield Development

All pieces of property are not created equal. Some have too much overburden. Some have too little water. Some don’t have aggregate quality material. Some have huge logistical hurdles. The valuation process starts with exploration. This starts with looking at nearby information and finishes with a geologic assessment that typically includes core drilling. We can help with the entire process.
Mine PLanning
After understanding what is in the ground, the good and the bad, we can help determine the starting point and mining direction. Depending on the deposit or the mineral, a mine plan can be simple annualized blocks, or may be complex with road and ramp designs, benching plans, blending plans, and so on.

Now you know what you have, where to start, and where you are going. Next is how to extract the material. There are a myriad of choices that aling with material to be mined, water levels, production demands, and more.
Plant Design
Processing plants can be set up a million different ways. Once you know what products you want, what material you will feed it, and what your extraction method is, plant design is the next step. Crushing? Sizing? Wet process? We can help you answer all those questions and get to a system that works for your goals.

Project Management
OK, so you got everything figured out, now the real fun begins. Watching everything grow from a patch of grass to an operating mine facility is exciting…unless the process becomes a burden. Let us help you manage the project and construction process. Share your journey with us!
Start-ups are rarely perfect. There is a magic to the fast and furious trouble shooting while still maintaining the ultimate goals of timeliness and quality. We have been there. We can help dodge pitfalls, clear hurdles, and meet your targets.